Cheers to 2 years of doing business with God!
Indeed, time flies when you’re having fun! As I took a walk down memory lane thanks to Facebook’s “Memories” feature, I got hit by an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It’s like a 7-second reel flashed before my mind of all the ups and downs I went through since I resigned from being a copywriter and art director at an advertising agency.
Just me posing inside an art gallery after my despedida.
It’s nothing short of a miracle I’m still here, working independently with multiple clients, handling different projects at a time, while trying to put my art “out there” through art markets and conventions.
In between all of that, there’s always a thought at the back of my head saying maybe I should just go back to a more “stable” job, especially with the current state of our economy. Yet during those instances, God would always send a message from heaven saying, “you are where I want you to be, keep walking that path.” He’d rain down manna in the form of a DM or an email from a potential client. He’d send signs and wonders through unexpected collaborations and signed contracts with brands I never thought I’d work with. All these are His way of telling me…just keep on keeping on.
As of writing…it’s been exactly 740 days since my despidida with my (former) workmates in Makati. One of the very few times I got to spend time with them in person since we worked together virtually then. I praise God for that grace-filled exit that was followed by a messy navigation into the world of being my own boss, taking charge of my days, and failing a lot. I failed a lot. Those failures gave me lessons that I hope to never have to go through again.
God really does move in mysterious ways. (I’m still learning how to stop trying to figure Him and His plans out, iykyk).
Fast forward to the present year… 3 days ago, I joined Paskomiket, a convention for Filipino comics and local artists. It was my third (or fourth if I count the one where I sent my art merch overseas) time joining an art bazaar. I was scared, actually… Scared that I’d be deemed unworthy to be an exhibitor among all the amazing and famous artists present. That’s my lizard brain talking, for sure.
a snap of me with my booth setup and caratbong version 2 xD
To be honest, I didn’t achieve the amount in sales I was aiming for… BUT GOD (He’s been quite consistent), in His sovereign grace and favor… allowed me to get a glimpse of how my art touches people who behold it. I met a fellow exhibitor who told sent me a private message about my art, “Soft vibrant siya. Looking at your booth yesterday, I feel calmness and peace. I felt warm na parang naco-comfort ko while looking sa art mo.”
I got teary-eyed reading Sarah’s message.
Another breadcrumb from heaven telling me I’m on the right lane.
2 years ago, I took a leap out of what was familiar. I’m still unfamiliar with most of this. But having God with me… is more than enough.
I’m ready for 20 years more.
Enjoy my snaps from Paskomiket 2023! I thank God for everyone who dropped by, bought print and stickers, and interacted with me! Until the next one~