love and light

Last June, an EP by Rhea Rodriguez was released and it got me recounting the Lord’s faithfulness because it’s been a long-time dream of mind to work on an album art project. Exactly 2 months later, I would get a message for an opportunity to design another one for Joselle Feliciano’s new song under Reverb Worship PH! A dream I had left gathering dust in between the pages of journal, my Father in heaven lovingly revived and fulfilled! Not once, but twice!!

I’m so grateful He allowed me to work with His talented, diligent, and amazing sons and daughters! In awe how I didn’t even have to strive for these projects that were merely just wishes. It’s all HIM! He’s so faithful in reminding me that I am not the source…it’s not about my abilities, albeit they play a part, that get me breakthrough projects.

So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.

James 1:16-17, The Message

Another thing I’m so grateful for is I get first dibs on listening to the song’s demo as I work on the artwork! When I received the creative brief for Joselle’s song, Love and Light, I immediately sat down to listen to the demo and let its lyrics and message go from my ears and into my heart.

To say that the song, penned by Adrian Crisanto, is relatable is an understatement:

Alone, scrolling up on my screen

I mean, have you been

Takin’ clicks like caffeine

People losing their minds

Taking sides all the time


It’s exactly what I was going through when I read the lyrics. The Lord even encouraged me throughout the process that His Love and Light is always shining down on us. We just need to come out of hiding, stop running away, and bask in His presence.

I got to explore a different illustration style for this project, too! Here’s one of the background studies I drew:

Artboard 1.png

Really very grateful to have worked on this. T^T
Thank you to Ivy and everyone behind Reverb Worship PH and CBN Asia for letting me be a part of this project.

Joselle’s nakaka-GV and lighthearted song is out on all major music streaming platforms: Spotify. Youtube. Apple Music. Deezer.

Praise God for every person involved in this project! May the Lord bless you, keep you, and make His face shine on you!!! Thank you for bringing His Love and Light wherever you go!

Love and Light - Final2.png

why I take art breaks


game-changing gratitude