2021: the year I resolved

I’ve never been the type to plan 😂 with adaptability as one of my top strength themes, I’m okay with going with the flow—taking what comes and running with it. But last year, God gave me a word that became a compass in making career decisions, in accepting things that were out of my control, in navigating through relationships, and more. 

I was reading the first chapter of Daniel when the Holy Spirit highlighted this word—resolve. 

And my God, in His loving mercy got me through so many things last 2021 with this word…

Resolve to keep working on my craft, even when some days I really really don’t like how my art and design works are turning out.

Resolve to trust Him as our Healer when all of us in our family caught covid, and when my hyperthyroidism recurred. 

And…the relationships that I thought He’d resolve will never really have closure…and that’s okay. I can still lift it up to Him—my disappointment and questions, included.

This 2022, I am excited to keep the resolve to fix my eyes on Him, to keep trusting Him, that He will stay faithful in the midst of everything. 

And yes, I’m still not the planner type. But I want to change it up a bit this new year…dahan-dahan (slowly, carefully), I will plan with Him. Always listening to what He has to say while writing it all down as we go, pressing in when He seems silent, and resolving to abide in His word. ✨

G? g. 🍃

So grateful I’m not alone in this journey! Thankful for all my family, my friends, church community, and clients who trusted me with projects! Check out my 2021 “gratefully creating wrapped” here!


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why I take art breaks