April showers brought me May flowers

You know those filters on Tiktok that says things like “things you tell yourself that you need to stop believing” or “what you need right now.”

I tried the it’s time to say goodbye to…” filter and I got this: “It’s time to say goodbye to trying to control things outside of your control.”

That was what May is all about for me. I became less of a worrier and more of a planner. And it ended up making this May one of my fullest. Let me backtrack a bit on key milestones all throughout the month.

May 27, my first time tabling at a k-pop bazaar… I initially had so many worries—the looming typhoon, my setup won’t fit the allotted table, no one will buy my art prints and stickers, et al… But instead of dwelling on worries, I decided to plan well! I packed my stuff in a waterproof storage box, I brought an extra table, and I prayed and surrendered everything to God. And guess what??? I went better than expected! There was little to no rain that day, everything fit perfectly thanks to that extra table… and I earned more than I expected. GOD IS FAITHFUL!

Me and my tablemate, Chaotically Peaceful!

May 19, first beach trip in a while with new friends from my new church community. And it’s in a beach I’ve never been to! To be honest, I almost backed out because the friend who invited me to join suddenly couldn’t make it. And again…God is in the business of turning things around, especially the ones you don’t have control over. I was later assigned to be game master, so we played what my favorite k-pop groups have been playing: don’t lie, bunny-bunny, 3-6-9, and category game! Everybody went home with good memories and tired jaws from laughing so much.

May 16, first in-person art workshop since 2019! This reminded me how much I loved teaching so I decided to promote myself more as a keynote speaker and a workshop teacher. I even added a page here on my website dedicated to that. It’s also so meaningful to be a part of this company’s mental health week. I got to share about the benefits of art for our well-being.

Group photo with the staff of Financial Times PH office + their artworks from my painting workshop.

Indeed, nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Him I cling.

What a full month! And just like that, June is here! It’s my birth month and I’m turning 30. I used to dread getting older because I feel like I haven’t hit milestones I should’ve by this age. Yet in God’s faithful refining of my mindset, this is the happiest and most content I’ve been. There’s no more pressure to live up to other people’s expectations on what a 30-year old should be doing or having. I’m just praying that I’ll always be at the center of His will, doing what He wants me to do.

Thank You Lord for the April showers brought me May flowers.


malayo pa pero malayo na


the art of business