the art of business

As an artist, I had a somewhat innate aversion to marketing and promoting myself and my art. It took me a while to getting rid of the ick that comes with showcasing and “selling” my expertise. I wish the art school I went to had a subject solely on the business side of being an artist and designer. Because it’s really a different playing field!

Little by little, I’m coming out of my shell when it comes to being a creative business owner. There, I said it! Even typing that out took a lot of guts. Whew. Here are some of the “arts” of business that I’ve learned through the years.

The art of knowing you bring value.
Your craft, your artworks, your design brings value to those who behold it, seek it, and benefit from it. Realizing this is one of the first steps to being a creative entrepreneur. Because once you realize the value of what you do, you’ll be able to confidently charge clients for it.

The art of word of mouth.
The first clients I got were from referrals! From former colleagues, schoolmates, and even past clients. Tell your friends and family about the services you offer and the business you’re building up! Start with proximity. They might know someone who needs you and the value you bring! How you network and how you work can greatly impact your business.

The art of being someone who you’ll want to work with again and again.
Don’t be someone difficult to work with! Establish systems that will streamline your client servicing process and will make them know, like, and trust you as you collaborate. Serve clients with care and excellence and they’ll keep coming back to you for projects!

The art of willingness and commitment.
Coming from a full-time job that includes the stability of a monthly salary, I’ve had moments when I wanted to give up and go back to being an employee. I had to set aside my quitting tendencies and to commit to it like I’m in it for the long haul. Anything worthwhile will never be easy…so we also have to commit to the right things. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

This is a game-changing revelation for me. I can easily commit to my craft, to my own abilities, to my clients, to my network…but if I forgo committing my business to God, none of it will be established the way God intends to.

God is my Source. He gives me the creativity, the connections, the wisdom and more so that I can keep flourishing in the season He has for me.
He is my Maker! He knew me even before I was born. He knows the number of hair on my head. He cares for me and is mindful of me.
These truths are enough for me to resolve and commit my business to God.

Wherever you are in your creative or entrepreneurial journey, take heart. God is with you and He is for you. After all, the art of business is really a matter of the heart.

May our businesses and endeavors be pleasing to the heart of God.


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